NPR for architectural visualization with Blender 2.50 and FreeStyle

The integration between Blender 3D and FreeStyle render, which is capable of create great NPR images is one of the features develop as part of the SoC 2008. It is still in development by Maxime Curione, but now the development is aimed to use FreeStyle with Blender 2.50. This a useful feature for architectural visualization […]

LuxRender 0.6 released with a new tool called LuxMerger

A new version of the open source Unbiased render engine called LuxRender was release, and after a long sequence or release candidates, most of the bugs were corrected and we have a new stable release. Among several small tweaks and improvements, this release is very similar to what we already saw in the previous RC […]

Free download of furniture models for architectural visualization

If there is one thing that we really need to keep in a safe place, for architectural visualization, besides a good texture collection, is a library of furniture models to use in interior design projects. This is something useful to speed up the production of any project, because we will only have to model the […]

Architectural glass with Indigo Renderer

In the past few days I was reviewing some projects created with old versions of Indigo Renderer, to start working on updates and see how fast the last releases are compared with the old freeware Indigo. In one of those projects I saw something that caught my attention, which is the way glass is created […]

Animation for architecture: Creating growing architecture

One of the most common animations we use for architectural visualization is the walkthrough, which can take the viewer along the project. Another type of animation that architects often ask for is the so called growing animation. In this type of animation we can show all elements of a project, growing from scratch and things […]

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