How to use IES lights in YafaRay and Blender 3d for interior design

An experimental version of the next version of YafaRay was released back at the beginning of September, and among several bug fixes and improvements, a few features were added. And of course, some of those features will help a lot artists interested on the use of Blender 3D and YafaRay for architectural visualization. One of […]

Converting CAD files for architectural modeling in Blender 3D

To start an architectural visualization project, the best option to speed up the modeling stage is to use a CAD file provided by your client or one designed by yourself. With a CAD file containing the technical drawings of the project, we can focus only on the modeling and not worry too much on precision […]

Using the Pinning feature of BMesh for architectural modeling

Here is another article about new features of the upcoming Blender 3d 2.50, and this time I will talk about BMesh again. If you are not aware of what BMesh is, well it’s a new system to manage and manipulate mesh objects in Blender. The new system has a lot of enhancements and improvements compared […]

Blender 3D 2.50 and stereoscopic render in interactive applications

A lot of companies developing 3d applications like games and interactive displays are using stereoscopic render to allow users a better experience, by viewing all environments with a greater sense of depth. A few weeks ago I have already talked about stereoscopic render for architectural visualization, using even a pool to ask if you consider […]

Multiple extrudes in SketchUp to improve architectural modeling

A very common workflow for architects working with architectural visualization in Blender 3D, is to start a base model in SketchUp and then export the model to Blender for materials and rendering setup. This is a way to quickly create models in SketchUp and render with YafaRay or LuxRender the 3d models. The integration between […]

Retopology tools for architectural modeling

A lot of tools available in 3d packages like Blender 3D are aimed to use in character modeling or organic modeling, but don’t seem to have a direct application in architectural modeling. For instance, when we take a look into retopology, most of the examples and applications described deals with the recreation of organic meshes. […]

How to use Rigid Body Dynamics in Blender 3D 2.50

The new interface and tools of Blender 3d 2.50 will make the learning process for new artists a lot easier, but in the other hand a full change on the interface may confuse old users at a first glance. I my Blender classes, one of my students asked me how to use Rigid Body Dynamics […]

New tutorials for Indigo Render and Blender 3D

It’s been a while since the last time I use Indigo Render for a big project involving architectural visualization in Blender 3D. But, as far I saw from the first impressions I got based on the free version of the renderer, it’s still a great solution for generating realistic images using Unbiased render methods. Besides […]

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