Here you find some scenes with architectural projects provided by readers of Blender 3D Architect. The following scenes are a contribution from digital artist Filipe Lima Botelho, which kindly provided all files.

Since the original files from the respective projects used premium furniture models and textures, all files listed don't feature any content protected by third-party copyrights. For that reason, you might find scenes with missing textures or furniture models.

The projects feature versions with full settings for those renderers:

You may use each scene as a learning resource to get you started with any one of those renderers. In most cases, you can use settings from Cycles in E-Cycles or the other way around.

All files listed here and their respective assets have a Creative Commons Zero license (Public-domain) license.

Beach apartment (Beira-mar living)

The kitchen job

That place where people usually sleep in (Bedroom)

Beach house apartment

Pub project

A Study in Olive

Carrara bathroom

Bed and Bathroom

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