New snapping tools for Blender 3D

If there is one thing that everyone involved with architectural visualizations likes is precision tools. And the snapping tools of Blender are evolving a lot, especially with the upcoming Apricot project. A few days ago, they released a test build of Blender, with a small addition to the existing snap option, which allows us to […]

Interior design with Blender 3D and Indigo Renderer

I`m working at a very simple project now, you may remember it from my previous post, which is a living room model rendered with Indigo, and modeled with Blender 3D. This last weekend I got some time to update the model and render it again, with a few more details. Most of the details are […]

Blender 3D and External Renderers

If you are used to Blender, then you must know about the use of external raytracers with Blender 3D. If not, then you are probably asking yourself, can I use V-Ray or Mental Ray with Blender? I know a lot of people use 3ds Max and V-Ray to create architectural visualization, but you can find […]

How to use photometric lights in Blender 3D?

How to use photometric lights with Blender 3D? Is it possible? Of course it is! When I have a project that requires the use of Photometric lights, I use Indigo as an external render for Blender. Just recently Indigo is supporting the use of IES lights, and it opened a whole new world of possibilities […]

Download furniture models for Blender 3D

If you are going to work at a project, that involves architectural visualization, it will be very important to use furniture to humanize your renderings. There are two ways to deal with furniture models, for your 3d environment, you can either model all pieces of furniture, or find a good online library to download models […]

Blender 3D for architectural visualization

How to produce architectural visualization with Blender 3D? And before anything, what is Blender? Well, Blender is the free open source 3d content creation suite. It has a huge user community, but most of them use Blender only to create character animations, or animations not related to architecture. Since I am an architect and have […]

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