The new Layer Blending feature of Indigo brings Multilight to Blender?

What is this feature called Multilight? This is an incredible feature of Maxwell Render, which allows an artist to change the color and intensity of a light source, while the render process isn`t finished. That’s right; we can actually make adjustments on-the-fly, and even create a cool animation of the light changes. Well, all those […]

Blender 2.47 and architectural visualization

After a long pause, I`m finally back to the blog. This long time without updates was due to the revision of my Brazilian Blender book, which is going to the third edition. I guess it`s a great milestone for me, after all, the editorial market here in Brazil is not that big, and it shows […]

Tips for precision modeling with Blender 3D

This is a common question I always have to answer about Blender; How to model with precision in Blender? Well, first of all we have to realize that Blender is a visualization and animation tool, not a CAD system like AutoCAD or ArchiCAD. It will never have precision tools as good as AutoCAD, just like […]

Using objects and meshes to emit light in Blender 3D

Sometimes we have to use more than a standard light of Blender to simulate an interior scene. Let me show you a really interesting project that I have been working on. It`s only a preliminary study for an art galley, where the objective is to use mostly indirect light for the scene, and put some […]

Grease Pencil improves review work in Blender

The review of any kind of work is very important for the artist, it gives feedback on the project and could give him some insights of what`s working and not working with the model. Until now, if I want to send a project for review, I had to render a test and send the image […]

LuxRender 0.5 for architectural visualization

Last week a new version of the Open source Unbiased render engine called LuxRender was released. It`s been quite awhile now since the last time I have used LuxRender to make any kind of rendering for a project. This new version has a great list of improvements and I decided to give it a try […]

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