Free courseware on technical drawing with AutoCAD

I just found out about another great free resource to learn technical drawing with AutoCAD, designed to show the tool for unexperienced users. As you may know by the articles and tutorials posted here on the blog, it`s been a while since AutoCAD is not my main CAD software tool. Today I`m using mostly DoubleCAD […]

Book review: A visual dictionary of architecture

Ever since I started to study and work with architecture, one of the biggest challenges for a student is to read a document describing the details of a project and building, with lots of technical terms and names. Well, back there I bought a great book describing with drawings all parts and details of architecture. […]

New shader to create frosted glass in YafaRay for interior design

The next version of YafaRay is in development and a few weeks I posted an article about one of the new tools, of what will became YafaRay 0.1.2 in the future, which will allow YafaRay users to use photometric lights (IES files). This is a great feature for architectural visualization artists willing to give more […]

Basic tutorial on how to model buildings with box modeling

From all the techniques available to create 3d models for architectural visualization, I often use a mix of edge modeling and box modeling to create furniture and parts of my projects. If you watched some of my tutorials, you might know that I use edge modeling for almost everything. But, edge modeling has a downside […]

First preview of the LuxRender exporter for Blender 2.50

The development of Blender 2.50 is going quite well, and after the great presentations showed on the Blender Conference 2009, with a preview of the work being created by the Durian team, the community became even more exited about the release of the “Beta 0” version of Blender 2.50. Most of the tools developed for […]

Best architectural visualization workflow?

The architectural visualization workflow is somehow a mystery for people that didn’t had any contact with the development of a project, side by side with an architect or company. I can say that from my experiences in my architectural visualization classes, where I often get students with an animation or advertising background. Earlier this week […]

How to use the lampspectrum for interior rendering in LuxRender

One of the things I like the most in LuxBlend is the presence of presets for almost anything on the exporter. Every time I show LuxRender, YafaRay and Indigo to my students at anyone of my classes, the inexperienced students feel more comfortable to use LuxBlend and render their projects with LuxRender, because of the […]

Using furniture models from the 3d warehouse in Blender 2.50

If you are using Blender 3D for architectural visualization for some time, you probably know that we don’t have large libraries of furniture models available in the native Blender 3d file format. A good library of 3d models to use in architectural visualization projects is crucial to speed up the development of any project, and […]

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