Tips to improve realism in rendering

To represent an architectural project, a 3d artist has to choose between two ways to show this building or space. The first option is to use a NPR style rendering, which in this days are not among the most required rendering styles. An NPR rendering is often used as a way to make volumetric studies […]

Blender 3D: How to use the Photon mapping build

As you may already know some experiments and projects by some Blender 3d developers’ wants to bust up the internal render, with the capability to use Global Illumination. One of those projects is lead by farsthary, have received a few test builds in the last days. Since I wanted to check out how the GI […]

Updated guides about rendering with YafaRay and Blender 3D

A few days ago the full yafray web site was updated and now they have a new cms and content organization. As part of the upgrading of the overall web site, some new guides and docs about rendering and setting up yafaray are available to download at the docs section of the site. The material […]

YafRay 0.1.0 and architectural visualization?

I know, at this point you may say that this is old news, but it I still believe that the release of a stable version of YafRay, is a huge milestone for anyone working with Blender 3D for architectural visualization. Before anything, visit the YafRay web site to download a version of YafRay and start […]

The new Layer Blending feature of Indigo brings Multilight to Blender?

What is this feature called Multilight? This is an incredible feature of Maxwell Render, which allows an artist to change the color and intensity of a light source, while the render process isn`t finished. That’s right; we can actually make adjustments on-the-fly, and even create a cool animation of the light changes. Well, all those […]

Using objects and meshes to emit light in Blender 3D

Sometimes we have to use more than a standard light of Blender to simulate an interior scene. Let me show you a really interesting project that I have been working on. It`s only a preliminary study for an art galley, where the objective is to use mostly indirect light for the scene, and put some […]

LuxRender 0.5 for architectural visualization

Last week a new version of the Open source Unbiased render engine called LuxRender was released. It`s been quite awhile now since the last time I have used LuxRender to make any kind of rendering for a project. This new version has a great list of improvements and I decided to give it a try […]

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