Free PBR materials and textures

If you make a quick search on news and tutorials related to rendering and materials, you probably will notice that PBR (Physically based render) is a hot subject. Everyone seems to be talking about this kind of rendering because we can work with that on Cycles. What is exactly PBR? If you never heard of […]

98 Free Scifi based textures

Among the resources for architecture that I usually share with my readers (you) here at Blender 3D Architect, most of the time they are “standard” assets like furniture and textures for vegetation, bricks and more. But, what if you needed some textures for a highly contextualized project? Something with a theme related to Scifi. For […]

Simple vegetation maps and models for architecture

The benefits of using low poly assets for architectural visualization are directly related to projects aimed at real-time 3D. In these days where people are not satisfied anymore with static images and non-interactive multimedia, we must change the way architectural visualization is born. And to change that you probably will invest on real-time visualization using […]

Urban environments in Blender

The scales involved in a regular project for architecture hardly goes beyond a skyscraper or something like a shopping mall. But, at some point, you may have to extrapolate that and move to something like a full city. In that case, you probably will need some tool or resource to speed up the modeling of […]

How to setup grass for the BGE

Every time I start to show Blender for architects they become impressed with the possibilities the software offer. Not only it may become a powerful tool to create 3d models for architecture, but a full visualization suite with Cycles. With the advances in Cycles features and GPU support, we can also look to the Blender […]

Free download of 200 cutout people

Why should we use people on our architectural visualization projects? By inserting images or 3d models of future users of a planned space, you will be able not only to show how space will relate to “users” and also give a sense of scale. A lot of projects we see around focus on getting furniture […]

From SketchUp to Blender

Nowadays a lot of artists are looking to Blender capabilities and trying to find some use for some of their best features. And one of those highlights is undoubtedly Blender Cycles. Among those artists, you will find some SketchUp users willing to get a better render from their architectural projects. What is the best way […]

Free office scene rendered in Cycles

When you start to search for references to improve or compare your work to others in architectural visualization, besides getting clues on light and composition you may also find some extra resources. Most artists look for residential scenes, but commercial and office scenes will be an excellent addition to any reference collection. If you want […]

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