Among all renderers used by artists to create images for architecture, one of the best options for those of you looking for a commercial GPU based render is Octane Render. With a nice graphics card you can get great results with very little time on Octane. A few days ago Octane Render hit an important milestone on their development history, with version 1.0 now available to their users. You can check more info about all features of Octane on this link, and the video below shows a quick overview of Octane Render in action.
Haven`t seen any project rendered with Octane and modeled with Blender? So, check this urban apartment project and the WakYak animation.
The good thing about Octane is, that it seems that they found an developper to integrate Octane in Blender, but it’s not officially confirmed yet, see here: http://render.otoy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=9474&start=110
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