FreeCAD for structural planning (project download)

As you probably figured out by reading some of the articles that we post here in Blender 3D Architect, we support open-source tools and think they help a lot in architecture and design. That is the case with Blender and also FreeCAD. We usually post projects using open-source tools and technologies to inspire and show […]

BlenderBIM bounty to improve construction drawing generation (updates)

A couple of weeks ago, we posted a note about an initiative from the BlenderBIM developers to start a bounty and call for developers to suggest improvements to the construction drawing generation of BlenderBIM. That could be a game-changer for anything trying to go full open-source and adopt Blender as their primary tool for architectural […]

BlenderBIM bounty to improve construction drawing generation

One of the projects that are showing some impressive results regarding architectural modeling in Blender is the BlenderBIM. It adds many features to Blender, which makes it handle and generate BIM data in IFC format. You already can do a lot with BlenderBIM, but some parts could significantly improve. A field that needs some extra […]

BlenderBIM updates and new features: Version v0.0.201207

A significant amount of people think about Blender as a 3D modeler and platform to render realistic images to visualize your designs. It can help a lot in this regard, but that is only part of the role it can assume in architecture. With the help of Add-pons like BlenderBIM, you can expand Blender and […]

BlenderBIM updates and new features (v0.0.200912)

The use of Blender for architecture always impresses people that think about it as a way to create 3D renders of your projects only. You can do a lot more with Blender if you know the right tools and tricks offered by this incredible platform. Of course, having a powerful way of making 3D visualization […]

9 Free architectural projects for FreeCAD

A great way to start using any software you plan to include in an architectural design workflow is with some sample projects. By getting a project with all the features and settings, you can begin to understand how it works and what you can do with such a tool. That is one of the reasons […]

BlenderBIM updates and new features (v0.0.200829)

As an artist working with architectural projects in Blender, you are probably aware of the incredible and flexible options to create 3D models with the software. You have a wide range of tools to make 3D objects representing almost anything related to architecture. There is one aspect of architectural modeling where Blender cant helps us […]

Using FreeCAD to create architectural drawings (New book)

When you start to use open-source tools like Blender to create architectural visualization, you soon begin to look for other potential options to include in a full open-source pipeline. With Blender, you can do a lot for architecture, but in some cases, you might want to look somewhere else for certain types of tasks. For […]

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