A couple of weeks ago, we posted a note about an initiative from the BlenderBIM developers to start a bounty and call for developers to suggest improvements to the construction drawing generation of BlenderBIM. That could be a game-changer for anything trying to go full open-source and adopt Blender as their primary tool for architectural design.
If you could easily create technical drawings from 3D models in Blender, it is easy to assume that many people and companies would start to look to Blender as a real alternative to softwares like Revit. You would have control over the entire design workflow, and the data generated is truly yours!
Today we have an important update to the bounty! A lot of users contributed to the effort, and the prize just passed US$ 2000.
For those of you that contributed to the project, thank you! You will see my name there as one of the supporters.
Even if you can’t contribute with financial support or code, you can help improve Blender construction drawing generation by sharing the bounty page. A Python developer might spot the project and go after the bounty.
As a side note, it is already possible to generate a construction drawing with BlenderBIM. But, it involves a lot of steps and is not user-friendly.