The use of YafaRay among architectural visualization artists is decreasing since the release of Blender Cycles, but I can easily say that with YafaRay we can still create some incredible and realistic scenes. And since YafaRay is much older than Cycles, you will also find lots of guides and tutorials about the setup for external and interior scenes. For instance, a short guide about quick visualization for architectural using YafaRay and Blender is available for download at the YafaRay user forums.
An artist called Olivier Boscournu produced the guide, and he shows how to setup the render to achieve this result:
The guide is in PDF format and has 16 pages showing tips to achieve realism on lights, materials and post-production of the image. Even if you don`t use YafaRay for your renderings I recommend the download. Did I mention that it is a free download?
I am one of those who do not use Yafaray anymore because for what I need it does not provide the tools.
However I must say that Yafaray has an excellent manual, extremely well written and condensed.
You know it would be awesome in case Cycles remains cycles and Yafaray would become Blenders Internal Renderer!
Also specifically for interior scenes I think approach like Yafaray still trump cycles. I do product design and there Cycles rules.