OSArch example files repository

A great way to learn is to open an example file of an existing project and take a peek inside to see how the author solved many potential problems. You can look at the 3d models and see how materials and other aspects of the file work. It is an invaluable resource. That is one […]

Free cutout textures of people for architecture

We posted many free assets and resources for architectural visualization with Blender here in Blender 3D Architect. Usually, our readers like it a lot when they find a furniture model that works with Blender, but you should also look for other types of assets. One asset that is frequently overlooked in architectural visualization is cutout […]

IFC.js shows a demo of a BIM project in a browser

A couple of weeks ago, we posted an article about the development of a useful library that could help any artist to display an entire project in the wen easily. With the IFC.js, you can read IFC files and turn them into a format that is browser friendly. The IFC format is the standard to […]

Last week in Blender 3D Architect 2021: Week 1

If you missed any of our articles from last week in Blender 3D Architect, you now have the chance to view a summary of all the content we posted. Among the materials, you will always find content related to architecture, furniture models, and Blender news. Here is a list of articles from last week: Procedural […]

Procedural building generation with Blender

An upcoming update to Blender will open a lot of new modeling projects based on procedural controls with the Geometry Nodes editor. With this new editor, you will be able to control and create dozens of new shapes using nodes as if you were creating materials or editing PBR textures. The concept might be difficult […]

How to convert MAX files to FBX or OBJ without 3ds Max?

Using a workflow with open-source tools and file standards ensures that you always have access to your data regardless of the software or environment. If you create a project and save the file in universal formats, you can easily import and send that data to any software. However, it doesn’t ensure that you won’t receive […]

Office exterior with Blender Cycles (Profile)

The project profile series of Blender 3D Architect is a collection of articles aiming for feature projects related to architectural visualization. We invite talented artists to share additional details about each project to demonstrate how they approach each stage. And also allow each author to publicize their work among our readers. How does it work? […]

FreeCAD for structural planning (project download)

As you probably figured out by reading some of the articles that we post here in Blender 3D Architect, we support open-source tools and think they help a lot in architecture and design. That is the case with Blender and also FreeCAD. We usually post projects using open-source tools and technologies to inspire and show […]

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