When you start to search for artwork related to architectural visualization in Blender, you will find some impressive projects and artists willing to share their knowledge. Besides producing some great render, they also give several hints about how they achieved a particular result.
We usually try to find those projects to share with our readers, as both a source of inspiration and much information to contribute to an architectural workflow for Cycles.
An artist called ArcHWiZ shared an impressive visualization of a small apartment in the BlenderArtists user forums. The project is an excellent example of artwork for architecture, and also a source of information to develop similar projects in Cycles.
Since the author shares some of the settings used to render the project, including the layout for lights you can use it as a reference for your projects.
To render each image the author used a total of 3000 samples with denoiser activated. That is undoubtedly a massive number of samples, which will ensure a noiseless render.
Unfortunately, no information about the hardware used or render times.
In the settings, you will find something that already appeared have in Blender 3D Architect on other projects. The strict control of camera exposure settings. If you take a look at this vintage kitchen visualization, you will notice that it also uses curves to control camera exposure.
The difference between a render with and without such control is impressive. For artists struggling with interior lighting for architecture, you definitively should try to use curves to control exposure. That might give you a much welcome boost in light.
Another interesting aspect of the project is that for each of the eight available render, the artist uses a unique setting for each camera. That will give Dof, lens and other properties a proper setting for each image.