Using a geographical sun in Blender 2.5

In architectural visualization projects we often have to use a light that simulates the position of the sun, at a certain date or season. This is used to study the sunlight over a facade of a building during the year. In Blender 2.5 I still didn`t had any option to use a geographical sun to […]

House visualization with Blender and LuxRender

If you want to check out a great example of architectural visualization created with Blender and rendered with LuxRender, visit this thread at the LuxRender user forums. There you will see the work of an artist called camara, and the visualization of a project named House in Vilamar”. There are a lot of views of […]

Importing terrains from Google Earth to Blender

There are a lot of techniques to create terrains and sites in Blender, like with the use of Grease Pencil and Surface Sketch. If you don’t remember the technique, just check back my article about terrain modeling with Blender 2.5. But, sometimes we may need a quick way to create terrains, and Google Earth is […]

Free download of an architectural scene in Blender 2.5

The process of learning tutorials and guides to learn how to model for architectural visualization may not be the best option for everyone all the time. At some point it is interesting to compare your work with other artists, and see how other people solve some of the problems related to architectural modeling. Below you […]

Great examples of interior rendering with YafaRay for architecture

I was browsing the YafaRay user forums last week and found a few great examples of architectural rendering made with YafaRay and Blender. The author of those renderings is a user called suomi, which shows some impressive skills on both YafaRay setup and post production on GIMP. In the image below you will find one […]

Physical 3d video mapping for interior design

The process of showing a project to any client can demand a lot of time, especially when we have to present lots of options for materials on furniture and walls. Wouldn`t it be great if we could show a room and swap materials in real time? Just like we do on 3d softwares? Well, take […]

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