Blender 4.2: Precise Modeling Workshop
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The main technique that we use to create architectural models is based on polygon modeling, and one of the advantages of this technique is that most of the tools works exactly the same on different softwares. One of my students that had a 3ds max background, started to work with Blender to create furniture and in a really short timeframe, he manage to create models with the same amount of detail in Blender. Only because the tools works very much like in 3ds max, and will on almost all softwares. This is why I always try to watch tutorials about polygon modeling, even if it is not a Blender tutorial.

I was browsing some old references that I have here for my classes, and found this set of tutorials about polygon modeling a room with Maya. If you focus on the process of polygon modeling, most of the techniques will be applicable on Blender or any other polygon based modeler.

So, enjoy the tutorial:

Blender 4.3 for Complete Beginners (Workshop)

Importing terrains from Google Earth to Blender


Modeling a bathroom in Blender 2.5

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