Light and Rendering
Free textures and patterns for architecture
How do you get the textures for your project? The use of high-resolution textures is important for any architectural visualization […]
Free download of HDR maps for architecture
The use of HDR maps as background of a scene is a great way to add realistic lighting to any […]
Blender and Octane Render for Architecture: Painter Loft
From all the features added to Blender in the past few months, which one is your favorite? I believe that […]
How to setup an interior scene using Blender Internal render for architecture
The use of Blender Cycles or any other renderer with Blender capable to create good lighting without the need to […]
Comparison between Blender Cycles, Mistuba and LuxRender
With the number of external render engines available for Blender these days, it may become really hard for new artists […]
Modeling with Blender and rendering on V-Ray
There are lots of options to render projects modeled with Blender going from open source software like LuxRender, YafaRay and […]
Free download of Hi-Res HDRI Maps for rendering
There are lots of different ways to add an environment map to a scene to create reflections on mirrored surfaces […]
Home sweet home: Modeled with Blender and rendered on Octane
Last week I just mentioned that Octane Render achieved a milestone on their development history, with version 1.0 of the […]