LuxRender: physically based absorption and 2.50 exporter

If you like to use LuxRender in your projects, you might want to look to the upcoming release of LuxRender 0.7, which is already in Release Candidate 1. The LuxRender 0.7 RC1 brings lots of bug fixes and new tools, like the physically base absorption. With this new feature, we can setup how much light […]

First preview of the LuxRender exporter for Blender 2.50

The development of Blender 2.50 is going quite well, and after the great presentations showed on the Blender Conference 2009, with a preview of the work being created by the Durian team, the community became even more exited about the release of the “Beta 0” version of Blender 2.50. Most of the tools developed for […]

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