Blender 2.8 parametric modeling
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Blender 2.8 parametric modeling: Drivers, Custom Properties, and Shape Keys for 3D modeling
The use of parametric controls for 3D modeling in any software can transform your workflow and give you the flexibility to quickly change the shape of any 3D Object. In Blender, you won't find parametric controls as a default option, but using the right tools, it is possible to add those parametric options.
If you use Drivers, Shape Keys, Hooks, and Custom Properties, you will be able to create parametric controls that will help in architectural modeling projects and also animations. You will be able to add properties to objects that works based on a context.
Do you want to learn how to add parametric controls to objects in Blender 2.8? With the Blender 2.8 parametric modeling book, you will learn all the steps necessary to create such controls. The book covers all necessary aspects of the process, which will also involve some basic math to create expressions to control objects.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_btn title=”Order paperback” color=”danger” align=”left” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-shopping-cart” add_icon=”true” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fgeni.us%2F4CEL2N|||rel:nofollow”][vc_column_text]Paperback ships from:
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Blender 2.8 and parametric controls
What will you learn with Blender 2.8 parametric modeling? The book has a practical approach to Blender 2.81 tools and features, using examples and guides to describe how you can perform the most important tasks related to parametric modeling.
Here is a list of all the chapters:
- Chapter 1 – Preparing for parametric modeling
- Chapter 2 – Drivers for connecting properties
- Chapter 3 – Custom properties and Drivers
- Chapter 4 – Shape keys and Hooks
- Chapter 5 – Parametric walls
- Chapter 6 – Parametric furniture models
- Chapter 7 – Parametric stairs
- Chapter 8 – Creating a parametric model asset library
Preparing for parametric modeling
In this chapter, you will learn the requirements about parametric modeling with Blender and some of the main differences between parametric modeling and BIM. Here is a list of what you will learn:
- What is parametric modeling?
- Differences between parametrical modeling and BIM
- Rules to create parametrical modeling
- Units set up for modeling
- Using imperial units
- Precision modeling with Blender
- Controlling scales for modeling
- Adjusting the origin point of 3D models
Drivers for connecting properties
The next step to get our models with parametric controls is to use Drivers in Blender to link all types of properties. In this section you find information about:
- What are Drivers?
- How to add Drivers to properties
- Managing and reusing Drivers
- Duplicating existing Drivers
- Controlling properties of an object with Drivers
- Adjusting origin points for Drivers
Custom properties and Drivers
You will learn how to add and set up those Custom Properties to create a custom control panel for any group of objects. You will work with expressions and also learn about operations that can help you make visibility controls:
- What are Custom Properties
- Adding and editing Custom Properties
- Changing the precision and values for Custom Properties
- Controlling multiple objects with properties
- Using controls like switches
- Apply a ternary operator for expressions
Shape keys and Hooks
In this chapter, you will learn how to add and manage Shape Keys to create parametric controls for 3D models. Besides Shape Keys, we will also learn how to work with Hooks to deform vertices of a polygon based on helper objects.:
- How to work with Shape Keys
- Adding and creating Shape Keys
- Using Shape Keys for modeling
- Options to manage Shape Keys
- Connecting Shape Keys with Custom Properties
- Using ternary operators with Drivers in Shape Keys
- Apply Hooks for 3D model control
Furniture and external assets
What would be of an architectural visualization project without furniture models and assets? Do you want to learn how to handle and manage those assets in Blender? You will learn in this section:
- How to import assets to Blender
- Use the Append and Link options
- Working with linked external libraries
- Editing external libraries assets with furniture
- Optimizing and fixing furniture models
- Prepare furniture models for reuse in Blender
Parametric walls
The objective of this chapter is to demonstrate how you can create a wall model and add a couple of parametric controls:
- Controls we can add to a wall model
- How to quickly model walls for parametric models
- Using extrudes and the context menu
- Reviewing edge lengths of objects
- Adding a height control to walls
- Working with width controls for windows and doors
- Create expressions for width control
Parametric furniture models
The use of parametric controls for furniture models will open a wide range of options for customization and settings for architecture. In this chapter, you will learn how to create such controls for a chair:
- Planning controls for a chair
- Organizing the model with hierarchies
- Add visibility controls
- Control the seat height and width
- Adjust the backrest to follow all seat transformations
- Control the backrest height
Parametric stairs
Our objective now is to create a parametric staircase that will demand more complex expressions and object setup. You will learn some new options regarding object setup, like the use of constraints to create hierarchies and also set the Empty controlling a Hook in a particular location. Here is what you will learn:
- What controls makes a parametric staircase
- Parenting with constraints
- Preparing the model to receive Custom Properties
- Creating a Step count control
- Changing step width and height
- Control a handrail model
- Work with expressions and equations to adapt the handrail
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Book details
- Release date: October 2019
- Edition: 1st
- Pages: 377 (eBook)
- Pages: 268 (Paperback)
- Autor: Allan Brito
- Blender version used: Blender 2.81 Beta
- ASIN Kindle: B07ZG2KX55
- ISBN paperback: 9781701801943
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- Available in eBook format (Worldwide)
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